The Kiss (1929) - Jacques Feyder - Part 1
To celebrate Greta Garbo's 100th birthday in September 18th 2005, every friday this month i will dedicate this blog to one of her Yet-To-Be Released-On-DVD movies. As i do in my other blog named : 24 Lies Per Second which is dedicated to "screen captures of old rare movies from vhs", i will focus on one of her movies in 24 frames taken from my personal collection. Before we begin, i want to thank TCMFrance for their nearly complete Garbo Retrospective in october 2004.
If you're living in the USA, be thrilled to know that Turner Classic Movies is broadcasting the same great retrospective this very september 2005 !!
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At the time of The Kiss by french director Jacques Feyder, Greta Garbo was only 24 and it was her 10th movie for MGM in only 4 years !! He will direct her one more time in the rare german version of Anna Christie in 1931, available on DVD in the new box set "The Signature Collection" released this september in Zone 1 and next november (Zone 2).
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"She multiplied the cinema's power of suggestion to infinity, and by a gaze so deep that a every spectator there found what he sought, she spoke a different language to every man... and by her simple presence she threws on to the subjective screens which the visible screen hides the most exultant poems of love."
Henry Agel. Le Cinema a-t-il une Ame ? 1952.
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"...Greta Garbo turns towards us the tenderest and most loving face of love, she moves us by the shudder of a sensuality whose secret has been lost, the mystery of a soul impregnating a body..."
Henry Agel. Le Cinema a-t-il une Ame ? 1952.
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"In The Kiss she never overplays, but projects warmth and feeling and intelligence with the smallest gestures and expressions. Her bemused smile alone, particularly in her scenes with Ayres, combines indulgence, boredom, compassion, and a hopeless longing for something more."
Chris Dashiell.
This was the first 12 frames i'll post of this movie.
Next monday you'll see the last 12.
In the meantime, any comments will be appreciated.
Forgive me but each week it is very difficult to choose only 24 frames especially when it is a Garbo movie. So this is 10 bonus frames for your pleasure.
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bonus 5 -

bonus 6 -

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bonus 10 -

THE KISS was a silent film with a soundtrack. Although a lot of people consider this movie a short film (more than 60 minutes), it was a very important step in Garbo's career, the end of silents.
But as for the pictures, I like all of them, particularly, however pictures 5 and 6. What a mystery Garbo's face is! It seems that she reminds us of her appearance in her later famous films, but her face is different in a way (difficult to explain it with words). Nevertheless, I express my highest appreciation for the movie captures that you have chosen.
7:58 PM
Gosh! Greta is so luminous. I know what you mean about wanting to choose more shots. She's just drop dead gorgeous in THE KISS!
5:29 PM
Gosh !!!!
I've just discover your blog, what a GREAAAT job you are doing !
The Kiss, the first film with Greta Garbo i've seen, i was 18, ready to leave my parent's flat to move to Paris and just fall in love with her !
7:12 PM
She is truly remarkable! Her expressions transmit everything that the character is suppose to feel!Her way of acting is so subtle... Thank you for this marvelous blog.
12:03 AM
She is truly remarkable! Her expressions transmit everything that the character is suppose to feel!Her way of acting is so subtle... Thank you for this marvelous blog.
12:03 AM
nice style
11:32 AM
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